Fire Signaling System

Human, competent and committed

We base the implementation of Fire Signaling Systems projects on equipment from a reputable company known all over the world SCHRACK SECONET. Thanks to many years know-how and the use of state-of-the-art technologies, Schrack Seconet means absolutely reliable products and maximum safety combined with an optimal price-performance ratio. As innovation leader in the field of fire alarm systems offer solutions for all situations and requirements, that they develop in close cooperation with research centers, fire brigades and security offices fire. For the customer, this means not only maximum investment security in the future thanks to the long-term compatibility of all products, but also constant, tailored advice and support.

fire hazard situation, many things happen simultaneously and it is important that you can completely rely on one reliable system. The Integral EvoxX fire alarm control panel combines the functions of reliable fire detection, launching a fire protection management system and providing information to competent authorities, so that service and emergency services can fully focus on their tasks in an emergency, regardless of the size of the facility. 

Integral EvoxX fire alarm control panel

The modular and flexible Integral EvoxX solution is suitable for all system sizes and exceeds standard fire alarm control panels with its capabilities. It is fully redundant and, if necessary, the redundant system takes over smoothly by performing the required functions continuously. This means that the plant is protected at all times. 

  • Highest availability and reliable alarming
  • Full backward and forward compatibility
  • Intuitive service concept

We are an authorized partner of SCHRACK SECONET


01-100 Warszawa,

ul. Człuchowska 66, wejście A

tel.: +48 606 511 330



02-454 Warszawa, ul. Szczęsna 26

NIP: 5223202594, REGON:388947144


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